Book-Collecting The Edged Weapons of the Third Reich
Volume one of the definitive collectors set by Tom Johnson. Every collector should have one!
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50.00 GBP
Book-The German National Railway in WW2
A Schiffer military history publication. Profusely illustrated. Near mint. Offers considered. read more
50.00 GBP
Book-German Paratroopers
Excellent quality photography from all the campaigns in which they were involved. Mint in dust jacket.
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75.00 GBP
Book-The Daggers & Edged Weapons of Hitlers Germany-Atwood
One of the earliest and best known dagger references. Factually incorrect in some areas but still “a good read” for the collector.
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80.00 GBP
Book-Kübelwagen on all Frontlines
In depth and wide ranging examination of this most iconic of all Third Reich military vehicles. Mint with dust jacket. read more
80.00 GBP
Book-Die Junkerschulen
Published 1999 and in both German and English, this very large, heavy tome tells the story of Officer training in the Waffen SS-the Junkerschools.
Offers invited. read more
75.00 GBP
Book-Luftwaffe Fighters
Coloured illustrations of the best known German fighters of WW2. read more
25.00 GBP
Book-Flags & Standards of The Third Reich
1985 edition by Brian Davis. The book describes and illustrates the history and development of the Flags and Standards of the Reich.
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50.00 GBP
Third Reich NSKK Chained Leaders Dagger-Eickhorn
This dagger appears never to have been apart, having an undamaged pommel nut and perfectly fitted Crossguards. These are the plated variety and have lost some finish, mainly adjacent to the grip. SA rune and grip eagle are perfectly inset, the eagle having fine details to the wings and breast feathering. Blade has undamaged edges and a perfect tip with some age to the surfaces, much of which... read more
2800.00 GBP